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Leagues will run from May to September (5 USPSA matches, weather permitting).


Life does occasionally get in the way of shooting. So, if you miss one match, your lowest scoring match will be counted twice as a make-up. You only get one make-up. After that, it's zeros for additional missed matches.


Your score for each match will be the % you scored, relative to the overall winner for the match (who always gets 100). This appears at the first column in PractiScore when you look at the overall match results. Your score for the league will be the total of each match score (see above for missed matches).


To help level the playing field, shooters will be handicapped by their highest classification (across all divisions the shooter is classified) after the September results have been posted to USPSA classification system. The handicap adjustment will be ADDED to each match score based on the shooter's classification as follows:


GM - 0 pts

M - 5

A - 15

B - 25

C - 40

D - 60


Adjusted scores are capped at 100, so you cannot score higher than the match winner.


Unclassified shooters will not get any point adjustments. Keep in mind that there are 5 matches, and we try to have a classifier for each match, so you should be able to get a classification by the end of the Summer League if you are a USPSA member.


Highest classification at the end of the League will be applied to all match scores.


Shooter does not have to stay in the same division all summer. So, you can work on different divisions to prepare for major matches or to try that new gun you just bought. Regardless of what division you shoot, your highest classification at the end of the season will be used to determine your handicap adjustment for each match.


Prizes will be awarded award to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place, plus 1 participation award to be awarded randomly among all shooters who attend all 5 matches.


The September match will include a special stage (10 steel, mandatory reload, one paper).  Hit Factor will be used as a tie-breaker.


Prizes TBD.

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